Corporate E-Learning
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Why (Most) Training is Useless

by David Maister 2006

Quoting from the article:
"What they don’t seem to want is anything that specifically addresses the way they run their firms or the real-world changes they are really trying to make."

I like that analogy. I recently found a product which goes against the grain of the whole corporate elearning philosophy called "Helpwize". What it does is basically provide a way to make a very high level tutorial without needing a complete LMS.

This makes sense if you are training staff or customers to do something very specific, or if you need help without needing a call centre. There are some demos at

The reason I like this is that it does specifically address a real need, e.g. the example on their website is basically a walkthrough on how to book shipping containers.
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